History of changes - Advanced Diary
Advanced Diary v 8.0
We've added many new features to make your experience with Advanced Diary easier and more convenient. Here's a complete list of the changes:
- We have changed the program's interface. Now Advanced Diary supports Windows 11 style. The old interface is still available, if needed.
- New color schemes were added.
- We have added vector skins. These skins also supports various color palettes for each skin.
- The ability to skin window frames has been added.
- The program's performance has been improved, making the program start and run faster and use fewer computer resources.
- Database engine and database stability have been improved.
- Now Advanced Diary works much faster with the large databases.
- Text editor features have been improved, including the ability to clear text formatting.
- In this version, we improved support for the Windows scaled fonts feature. Now, when this feature is enabled, the fonts in the program look more contrasting and do not blur, which is more comfortable on the eyes.
- Also, we've fixed some potential issues that could occur when the scaling function is on.
- Other minor improvements.
Advanced Diary v 7.1
- Improved work of print templates feature.
- Improved audio and video diary functions.
- Improved import function.
- Fixed all known and potential issues.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
Advanced Diary v 7.0
This release contains many new features and improvements, which will make your work with Advanced Diary more convenient and productive:
- We've added Google Drive and OneDrive support. Now you can copy and load data from these cloud services with just one mouse click.
- Text search function has been improved. Advanced Diary will highlight all found words in the texts, not only a first occurrence.
- Records search function has been improved too. Advanced Diary will highlight all found words in the entry text and move cursor to the first found word, when you open an entry.
- Now is not necessary to close all sticker windows manually when you change database. Advanced Diary will do it automatically.
- Printing categories has been improved. Advanced Diary will print a category name and highlight it by a corresponding color, like it shown in the main window.
- For your convenience we've added an ability to clear all selected categories with just one mouse click in the "Filter by category" window.
- If your database is password protected, Advanced Diary will show a database name and path in the password request window. This will be convenient for users, who works with more than one database.
- Improved the databases stability. We've fixed a problem when Advanced Diary cannot save entry on some computers.
- Multimedia functions were improved too. Fixed a problem with audio recording on some computer configurations.
- Other minor improvements and changes.
Advanced Diary v 6.0
This update contains many useful changes. We've added a lot of new features, which will make your work with Advanced Diary more easier and convenient. Here is a full list of changes:
- We've added an ability to configure all program's shortcuts. You can set up or change shortcuts for any menu item.
- Now Advanced Diary allows assign categories to multiple entries at a same time.
- You can set up how many backup copies to keep for the "Backup" function.
- "Find Text" function now allows edit text in the text editor without closing the searching window.
- We've extended the "Insert Table" feature and added an ability to resize tables by mouse.
- Advanced Diary will store last choozen table settings and use them for the next tables.
- Now you can hide or show text editor ruler.
- Text editor ruler will detect and use system measurements automatically.
- "Print" function has been improved.
- We've added an appropriate buttons to rename folders and entries to make your work more convenient.
- Now the program's calendar has a function to scroll years.
- Performance of skins changing and painting functions has been improved.
- Fixed a problem with the week numbers in the calendar.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
Advanced Diary v 5.5.1
In this version we've fixed all known and potential issues, improved the program's performance and stability.
We highly recommend installing this update. It it free for all version 5.5 users, even if license has been purchased more than one year ago.
Advanced Diary v 5.5
This update contains many serious changes. We've improved database stability, make database backup and compression functions more effective, added many new useful features to make a work with Advanced Diary easier and more convenient. Here is a full list of changes:
- We've significantly improved the databases stability.
- Added a function to monitor a database consistency and automatic recovery.
- Improved work with the large records volumes.
- Improved database backup and database compression functions. Now these functions works faster and much more efficient.
- Now Advanced Diary correctly supports non-latin symbols in the path to database and backup files.
- We've solved a problem of incompatibility with some web cameras. Now video recording function in Advanced Diary should work correctly with all cameras.
- Improved recording quality of audio and video diaries.
- We've added an ability to choose a resolution for video recording.
- To make work with attachments more convenient, now is possible to rename them and add descriptions.
- Now Advanced Diary supports text descriptions for audio and video diaries too.
- Added a function to Show or hide all stickers, and a function to close all stickers on desktop.
- The Records Search function has been improved.
- We've improved a search function in the Attachments Manager window, added an ability to view descriptions, and search in descriptions.
- To make work with inserted images more convenient, Advanced Diary will now automatically resize large images to the document width on insertion.
- We've added a Format Painter feature to make text formatting easier and more convenient.
- Insert Symbol function now saves last choosen settings.
- We've added a file association for Advanced Diary databases. You can easily open any database file with just mouse double click.
- Import and Export functions were improved.
- Now Advanced Diary supports 2 new interface color schemes.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Advanced Diary v 5.0.2
This is a critical update. We highly recommend to install it. All version 5.0 users can upgrade to this version for free, even if license has been purchased more than one year ago.
- We've fixed an issue with the database files damaging. Now databases will be much more stable.
- Improved whole program stability.
- Records searching has been improved.
- Audio recording function gas been improved too.
- Fixed a potential problem with the navigation in the Documents Tree.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Advanced Diary v 5.0.1
- Networking functions were improved.
- We've polished the program codes and fixed all known bugs and potential issues.
- Backup and restore functions were changed to improve program's stability.
- Database stability has been improved.
- We also improved the import, export and printing functions.
- Other minor changes and improvements.
Advanced Diary v 5.0
This release contains many serious changes. We've changed the database engine and now there are not any limitations to database size or records count! Advanced Diary works much faster with huge files (in some cases up to 1000 times!). Now you can keep all your data in one single file and don't worry that you reach file size limit or Advanced Diary will work slower.
Also there are many other changes: new convenient Database manager, strong database file encryption with AES algorithms, fast search function with regular expressions, attachments manager will show all your attachments in one place, extended network features: you can add users to your database, set up user rights, grant access to any entry and much more.
Here is a full list of changes:
- New database engine without any limitations to database file size or records count.
- Advanced Diary works much faster with huge files (up to 1000 times).
- New Database Manager will show active database file size, records and attachments count.
- Strong database protection and encryption using AES algorithms.
- Fast search function with regular expressions support.
- We've added Attachments Manager, which will show all your attachments in single window with sorting and search functions.
- Improved filters by categories.
- Extended auto backup functions: you can choose when Advanced Diary will create backup copies.
- We've added authentication support for proxy servers.
Extended networking functions:
- Advanced Diary now works with database server (Firebird).
- Firebird server is a part of Advanced Diary installation package. It is already pre-configured, so you can start to work with server immediately after installation.
- Server supports connections through LAN and Internet.
- You can add or remove users for database file.
- User rights are fully customizable: from full access to read-only rights.
- Configurable user access to any entry. You can create private and public entries, or make entry available only for assigned users.
These features allows you to use Advanced Diary as a family journal in the small networks at home, or use it in large work groups for your business purposes.
Advanced Diary v 4.2.1
- We've improved perfomance for spell-checking functions.
- Improved perfomance of autocorrection functions.
- Fixed a potential issue with memory leak in autocorrection functions.
- Fixed a potential issue with spell checking dictionaries when the program won't start without default dictionaries.
- We've optimized the program and made it faster.
- Other minor improvements.
Advanced Diary v 4.2
- Now you can select multiple files when adding attachments.
- All attached picture files will be shown as thumbnails, not as picture icons.
- Auto Correction now works correctly and in the text editor (diary text, Print Preview etc.).
- Improved multimedia diary functions.
- Improved unicode support.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Advanced Diary v 4.1
- We've added the Auto Correction options for spell checker.
- Now Advanced Diary supports 5 new color schemes.
- Improved text editor engine.
- Improved work with categories.
- Improved Import and Export functions.
- Improved Print function.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Advanced Diary v 4.0.1
- We've polished the program's codes and improved stability.
- Improved text editor and printing engine.
- Added a time value into for the entry modification information in the main window.
- Fixed a problem with the custom dictionary. Now dictionary won't lose any added words.
- Fixed a problem with the random "Access Violation" error on program exit.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Advanced Diary v 4.0
- We've added a full unicode support. Now Advanced Diary will show correctly any international characters regardless of the system language.
- Many new skins and color themes. Now Advanced Diary supports 45 color schemes.
- New improved interface painting.
- We've added a new spell-checker. You can check spelling in any text field, not only the diary text.
- Now you can insert check boxes directly into diary text. This feature will be useful to create simple to-do lists, shopping lists etc.
- Updates Checker. Now Advanced Diary can check for the new versions automatically and manually.
- Proxy servers support.
- Backup feature has been improved. Advanced Diary will pack and repair databases before backup.
- Drag and Drop support for attached files. Simply drag any file by mouse and drop it into Attached Files area.
- We've added an ability to cut/copy and paste entries.
- Custom colors will be saved for the future use when you add it in the Color dialog box.
- Print function has been improved.
- Advanced Diary will restore tray icon when it disappear from system tray.
- Other minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Advanced Diary v 3.7.1
- We've polished the program's codes.
- Now Advanced Diary allows to change and save fonts charsets in the Options window.
- Installation and uninstallation procedures were improved.
- Built-in Help System has been updated and improved too.
- We've updated video and audio recording functions.
- Other minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Advanced Diary v 3.7
- We've added an ability to restore deleted entries! Don't worry, if you deleted any entries by mistake. Now Advanced Diary will keep them in the "Deleted Items" folder. You can always restore your information.
- Now Advanced Diary has a full Dropbox support! You can save a copy of your database into Dropbox and then load it on another computer with just one mouse click!
- Send by Email function now supports unicode and correctly send messages in any language.
- Advanced Diary menu in system tray now will close correctly if you do not click any menu item.
- Other minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Advanced Diary v 3.6
- We've added a full multimedia support!
- Now in addition to audio diaries you can create and video diaries!
- Improved audio diaries recording.
- We've added built-in multimedia player.
- Multimedia player supports a full screen mode.
- Volume control.
- An ability to scroll audio and video entries to play them from desired position.
- Minor text editor improvements.
- Navigation in the Documents Tree has been improved.
- Other minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Advanced Diary v 3.5
This version of Advanced Diary has many new functions and improvements.
- We've added "Favorites" feature into Advanced Diary!
- You can add any entry into the Favorites list and then open this entry with just one mouse click.
- All favorites can be organized into the folders. This will help you easily find any favorite entry.
- We've added an ability to sort categories.
- The categories order can be applied to all entries or can be individual for each entry.
- Categories now support not only predefined colors. You can assign any color to a category.
- Advanced Diary now supports multiple entries selection in the documents tree!
- Text Wrapping feature: you can select various text wrapping types to set up the text wrapping around the pictures!
- We've added more options into the "Send by Email" function. Now Advanced Diary can send entries using Gmail account.
- "Search" feature has been improved: now you can search your entries using current filters.
- Contrast highlight of selected date on the program's calendar and selected folder in the documents tree.
- Now you can go to today's date by clicking on the "Today" word below the calendar.
- In the Print functions we've fixed a bug with the page headers and page footers.
- New options were added to minimize Advanced Diary to system tray.
- Improved Advanced Diary portable mode.
- We've fixed a bug with the default font in the table cells.
- Improved text editor functions.
- Advanced Diary now is digitally signed by code signing certificate!
- Other minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Advanced Diary v 3.0
- New program interface. Now Advanced Diary support various interface types and color schemes.
- Now you can change fonts in the main window.
- Fully customizable view. We have added an ability to customize program toolbars and navigation panel.
- We've combined Calendar and Documents tree modes. Now you can use any navigation type without changing the program mode.
- The sorting functions were improved.
- We've added categories support. Now you can assign a category to any entry and then filter your information by categories.
- You can assign any predefined or own picture to any folder in the program's tree for better visualization of your information.
- Improved Search function.
- Voice recorder has a better quality and audio files take less space (up to 4 times) in the database.
- Added an ability to insert text from the templates to the new entries automatically.
- Program's text editor now has many additional features: it supports animated images and document background, correctly inserts text and images from Internet pages, supports page breaks, subscript and superscript features and much more.
- We've added the Emotions panel. Now it supports animated images, and you can add as many images, as you need and then use them.
- You can send any diary entry by email.
- Any entry can be placed as an electronic sticker on a monitor screen.
- Extended "Backup" feature: you can create a backup copy of all your databases with one mouse click.
- Import and Export functions were improved.
- We've added an ability to keep program settings in INI file. This is more convenient if you use Advanced Diary on any removable device.
And much more other program improvements. Actually Advanced Diary v3.0 is absolutely new product, more powerful and more convenient than any previous versions!
Advanced Diary v 2.1
- We've added an ability to sort the entries. Now you can sort your entries by title or by date.
- "Search" function has been improved.
- The Paragraph formatting and Margins functions are added into the text editor.
- "Database manager" has been improved.
- Now Advanced Diary database will take less space. The program will pack all inserted images.
- "Print" function has been improved.
- The attachments now displayed in the documents tree.
- Windows Vista support.
- This version of Advanced Diary works much faster than any previous versions (up to 20-30 times faster).
- Other program improvements.
- Bugs fixed.
Advanced Diary v 2.0
- Capability of creating new databases; simultaneous work with multiple databases.
- On-the-fly database swapping.
- Multilanguage support is added.
- Now Advanced Diary supports voice recording.
- Ability to attach files to any entry is added.
- "Print" function has been improved.
- Now you can create and insert templates into your diary.
- Ability to add any backgrounds to the text is added.
- "AutoBackup" function is added.
- Now Advanced Diary can add an icon to system tray for easy access.
- Import/Export functions has been improved.
- We have added various program options for your convenience.
- Advanced Diary now supports GIF, PNG, WMF and another image formats.
- Navigation between windows and in the tables was improved.
- Other program improvements.
- Bugs fixed.